
编号:993 留言者名称:Lu Baifang 标题:No input from scanner
I bought a Scanner, AS 8110, and connected to an spare PS/2  interface to my notebook, which has a buildin keyboard.

And the I try to input through scanner. After I start Notepad.exe, and active the window, and then scan a barcode. Although
the scanner beep to indicate successful reading, no input at all into notepad.

Can you advise me on how to use this scanner?
地区:其它    留言时间: 2/24/2003 11:24:56 AM

菲利普研究实验室的WILJ WAN GILS等人提出一种新型的二维码方案,即用标准几何形体圆点构成自动生产线上产品识别标记的圆点矩阵二维码表示法(6)。这一方案由两大部分组成,一是源编码系统,用于把识别标志的编码转换成通信信息字;另一是信道编码系统,用于对随机误码进行错误检测和校正。点阵码除了具备信息密度高、占用较少的产品标志页积等特点外,也便于用雕刻腐蚀制板工艺把点码印制在机械零部件上,用摄象设备识读和图象处理系统识别,也是一种具有较大应用潜力的二维编码方案。